Thursday, June 14, 2012

Godey's Magazine for June 1862

Sitting For A Portrait

"Sitting for a Portrait" is a beautiful steel engraving, and the scenery peculiarly suitable to the leafy month of June.

Catching Birds With Fresh Salt
 "Catching Birds with Fresh Salt". An original design. Have any of oar young readers ever tried the experiment? We have, but did not succeed.

Children's Fashions


The Sicilienne

A Sortie de Bal or Opera Cloak. Made of white merino embroidered.

Name for Marking

Garden Hat

Made of white or colored muslin, and trimmed with fancy ribbon.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Peterson's Magazine for June 1862

The Pinch Of Snuff
"We have rarely published a more graphic engraving than this."

Fig I - Out door Dress of Buff Pique, or Marseilles, for the country. It is trimmed with five rows of black velvet ribbons, and with black velvet buttons. The straw hat is trimmed with latticed work of black velvet around the brim and with buff and black feathers.
Fig II - House Dress of Pearl colored Grenadine. The skirt is trimmed with flounces. Abovo the lower four is a quilling of mauve ribbon; then there are three more flounces with another quilling of ribbon above them. The body is low in the neck with short sleeves, and over it is worn a white body, embroidered and trimmed with quillings of mauve ribbon. The sash is also trimmed to correspond with the body.

New Style of Silk Sontag

Black Silk Sontag - This useful article is made of black silk, edged with black guipure or Honlton lace. It is intended to wear under a shawl or sacque, when it may be necessary to throw either of them off the shoulders, and presents a much more dressy and elegant than a knit Sontag. For cold weather it may be slightly wadded.

Latest Style of Bonnets

 Latest Style of Saque

Misses Hat
Misses Hat from Genin's, 513 Broadway, New York, composed of fine white English straw, bell crown. Tho front Is of black velvet and bound all round with velvet; trimmings composed of loops of black and white velvet fastened with straw buttons. The right side is ornamented with a white ostrich plume. Strings of broad white ribbon, with bows at the ears looped with black velvet.

Boys Hat
Boy's Hat, also from Genin's. It is of white English straw, bell crown, with a slightly rolled brim piped with blue velvet. A band of blue velvet encircles the crown, and on the left side are two pearl and straw ornaments.
Latest Style of Sacque Mantle


Chemise Yoke

The Eugenie

Fig IV - Home Dress of Pearl colored Silk. The in trimmed with rows of narrow black lace. A ceinture has long ends, edged with black lace, and is embroidered in pearl colored silk. In the upper parts of the ends are small pockets also embroidered.
The Princess Alise

Fig III - House Dress of Black Silk. The skirt is braided around the bottom and up the front in a Greek border put on in white braid; on each side of this braiding there is a black lace insertion over white silk. The ornaments down the front of the dress are of black lace, edged with white lace. A pointed Marie de Medici waist, which, as well as the small Zonave jacket, is also braided in white. An mider body of white plaited muslin has a small rufflo around the neck. A dress of this kind braided in purple or green is very beautiful.

Little Girl's Dress

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Journal des Demoiselles for June 1862

Toilette de mariée. — Robe de crêpe avec dessous de taffetas; jupe ornée de ruches formant festons, en taffetas ou en crêpe, retenues par de gros choux pareils et garnies de dentelle. — Corsage montant, à pointes, avec ruches plus petites que celles de la jupe et disposées de façon à former une veste grecque. — Manches bouffantes, larges au poignet, ornées de ruches et de dentelles. — Guirlande en fleurs d'orangers et fleurs de pommiers.

Toilette déjeune fille.—Robe de gaze de Chambéry. — Jupe ornée de ruches de taffetas.— Cor.-age rond, décolleté, avec ceinture à longs bouts; manches ou
vertes ornées de nœuds et de ruches. — Guimpe et sous-manches en organdi. — Résille en filet de soie noire.

Toilette de petite fille. — Robe de taffetas, ornée de velours noir. — Corsige décolleté. — Manches courtes. — Guimpe en mousseline.