Varieties In Embroidery
Lady's Petticoat Body or Jacket
A false hem should also be put on inside the hem on the left side, in which six buttonholes should be made. This will be found a more tidy method than making the button holes in the jacket itself, the buttons being quite hidden as will be seen in our illustration. We must not omit to say that turnings must be allowed for in cutting out this jacket. We give above engravings of the front and back of this jacket and on the next page diagrams by which to cut a paper pattern: the reader understanding that the paper patterns will hive to be enlarged to the sizes marked on the diagrams
No 1 Front
No 2 Half of Back
No 3 Side Piece
No 4 Sleeve
As new subscribers may not know how to cut an enlarged pattern from these diagrams we will give the directions. First to enlarge No 1.
Take a piece of newspaper or brown paper whichever is most convenient making sure to have it large enough. Draw a straight line up it sixteen inches long then draw the curve at top for the shoulder twelve inches long and finish back to where you began in the same proportions. Do the backs, sleeves, and side piece in the same way.
Ornamental Bracket, Valence, Chair-Back, Etc.
Stitch In Knitting For Wool Jackets, Etc.
Pianoforte Candlestick Ornament
Bead Border For Mats
The Red Riding-Hood
This hood is the novelty of the season and while it is both pretty and becoming it is very simple and easily made. Take three quarters of a yard of scarlet sack flannel the finest and most brilliant color that can be procured. Cut enough off one side to make it perfectly square, round one corner as seen in the diagram then have it pinked all round in small scallops, which you will find will produce a very beautiful effect.
From B to B at about two inches from the edge sew a casing of narrow ribbon on the under side, also one diagonally from A to A. Run a narrow ribbon in the casings drawing the one from B to B to fit the face. Fasten it. The one from A to A is to bo drawn to suit the bead.
If preferred the hood may be lined with silk as far as the line A A. The point which represents the cape is better not lined.
Crochet Invalid's Slippers
Patterns In Embroidery
Toilet Pin-Cushion
Children's Fashions For January
Sofa Cushion In Crochet
New Stitch For Knitting
Edgings and Handkerchief Borders
Drawing-Room Work-Basket
Name For Marking, Handkerchief Corner and Sprig