Saturday, June 8, 2013

Arthur's Lady's Home Magazine June 1863

Baby's Ride
Spring and Summer Dress
Braid for Dress or Mantle
Embroidery For Skirt
Street Dress of light silk, trimmed with narrow black silk ruffles.
The hair is cut short in the front, and curled, the little curls being arranged over frizettcs, to give the coiffure the shape indicated in the illustration. The rest of the hair is parted down the centre, tied on each side behind the ear, and then arranged in as many curls as it is possible so to do. Single roses and leaves are dotted here and there amongst the curls in front, and an ornamental comb, with a flower on each side, finishes the head dress behind.

Is rolled off the face, very much in the style of the Coiffure Rachel, but with a different arrangement behind. It is dressed lower on the neck, and has the addition of several long curls falling gracefully on the shoulders. Small sprays of flowers are arranged amongst the rolls.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Arthur's Home Magazine March 1863

Take Care (woodcut)
"Fresh Salt" (woodcut)
Cuir-colored Alpaca dress, trimmed with rows of black Alpaca braid. The corsage is made with a deep jockey at the back.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Arthur's Home Magazine February 1863

Ready for the Question (woodcut)
Black ground, with bouquets of flowers scattered over it. The skirt is trimmed with bunches of black silk flounces, headed by three rows of black velvet. Corsage, sash and sleeves trimmed to match.
 Trimmed en tablier with tucks and flouneing. A large cape, formed of tucks and bands, covers the entire corsage.
 Breakfast Cap

Friday, January 11, 2013

Der Bazar January 1863



Monday, January 7, 2013

Arthur's Home Magazine Jan 1863

Music Hath Charms (woodcut)
 Winter Cloak


No 1 Cloth Zouavo jacket edged with military braid
No 2 A fine cloth or cashmere jacket beautifully braided and made to wear open or closed in front at the pleasure of the wearer
No 3 A rich Lyons velvet jacket a la Zouave. Made also in rich glace silk
No 4 A handsome specimen of a new style ornamenting jackets, just introduced, made in fine ribbed-cloth, rich velvet, and silk
No 5 The latest style of tight fitting shapes. This elegant jacket is peculiarly cut very different from the usual body jacket and fits in a superior manner. It has fewer seams and is easier made. Got up in all suitable materials
No 6 Chcmise-russe one of the happiest efforts to unite the useful and cheap with a novel and stylish appearance. It will quite supersede the Garibaldi jacket on which it is a great improvement. In cloth cashmere, silk and velvet.

Slipper Pattern

These articles allow great taste to be in fitting them up, and when well arranged form an elegant present, or a particularly suitable contribution to a fancy bazzar, so many which are held during the year for charitable purposes. To render the instructions perfectly clear, two illustrations are given to show the manner commencing and finishing this very article. The basket must be purchased and can be had of various shapes. The material is generally a rich colored satin, either blue, Magenta or green. The length of the top of the basket must be measured, and two strips of satin taken, one the depth of the basket, the other two inches deeper, will he required, as they are tight round the top but slightly gathered at the bottom, these two strips are laid together and divided into six by a row of stitching, these six divisions form the six pockets. In the front of each there is a lappet,  trimmed round with either quilled ribbon or gimp, and round the edge of the piece which falls over the rim of the basket a fringe must be added. All this part of the work is completed so that it is ready to slip over the basket requiring only to be fastened down between the pockets at the top and stitched down all round the bottom, any little irregularity being entirely hid by the circular pin cushion which must be formed to fit the bottom of the basket. For this purpose a round of card board must be taken well wadded and evenly which is to be covered with the same material being cut sufficiently large to be carried over the edge. This pincushion is then placed at the bottom of the basket and a quilling of ribbon or gimp carried round it. Between each of the pockets, there should be either a bow of ribbon with end, or a silk tassel, these greatly improve the effect. Sometimes a basket with a handle is selected; if so, it should be twisted round with a cord and finished with two tassels at the ends where it is fixed on, or a ribbon twisted round, and two bows instead of the tassels.